We touched on the business of sport in our last entry, and it was more negative than anythimng else. Yes, there are losers in the world of business, even professional sports - but - some franchises are doing extremely well. A perfect example is the Vancouver Giants.

A golden opportunity like this arises once in lifetime for investors; a perfect market. Hockey hungry city, sold out NHL games, an empty stadium, close proximity to your competition, in the largest BC city and you've got great financial backing - what a great fit for an expansion WHL franchise!
Its only what you do with an opportunity that counts and the Giants ownership group has made the most of the situation here in Vancouver. Fighting the WHL to start the giants was more than some would bear but it was the right decision to push ahead!
Once the ball was rolling, the right people had to be put into place and I personally think they made a fantastic decision by hiring coach Don Hay, who has lead the Giants to success on the ice.

A Recent milestone happened this season for the G-men, they passed the 2,000,000 fan mark. In a city who the WHL said would have trouble selling tickets, the Giants have blown away all expextations.
A true success story that can be used as a model for other franchises - the Giants are here to stay. The expansion of hockey in the Lower Mainland can be attributed toi Ron Toigo, Pat Quinn and the rest of the Giants organization. The Chilliwak Bruins have grown very well and have just moved into their new stadium, and the Calgary Flames have recently requested for their AHL farm team to be moved to Abbotsford.

We might have lost the Grizzlies to Memphis, but there is no shortage of successful sports teams to enjoy here in Vancouver.