There is nothing in this world that is truly perfect. As much as you may think something is the best it can be, there is room for improvement somewhere. Take the picture above, do you see your "Perfect Vacation?" Maybe not. As any consultant of any sort, be cautious of how far you may want to push your client to change, since the two of you may have very different ideas of perfection.
Here’s an example of the latter. Recently, I met up with a former colleague to catch up, and naturally, we started talking about work. He'd just started in a new position, and saw so much potential for the company's efficiency and growth within his department. His ambitious nature took over and he approached his superiors with his ideas. Not only rejected, but he was accused of not doing his job.
He was told something to the likes of, “If you have time to dream up these changes, you aren’t focusing enough on your daily tasks.” I couldn’t help but laugh – yes, it is an extreme case, but that person is out there. He obviously thinks things are great and don't need to change.
Armed with this knowledge, my approach to clients and changing their concepts will very different. Less presenting ideas, more including the client, as we’re working towards the new idea. Maybe if my friend’s boss could have felt as he was making the suggestion, it would have gone differently and there would have been a pat on the back instead of a scolding.
Going back to the start of this entry, I think all people are looking to get to the next level if they have brought you on. The way you must go about it will be different case by case. Ceasing to remember that you are there to help their business will throw all of this out the window. As much as I would like to have extraordinary results every time, business is business, and completing your project is always a win!

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